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Three months before we were set to try an employment case in federal court in Montana, we sought help from Tsongas. We were asserting three claims, each requiring a separate damage calculation, and the facts were more complicated than usual in such cases. We asked Tsongas to help us distill the story and to develop demonstrative exhibits. One of the exhibits Tsongas crafted was a timeline that proved to be invaluable (a half hour into deliberations, the jury sent a note asking for the timeline – and a calculator). After seeing the Tsongas exhibits, we decided to hire Tsongas to help prepare our client to testify so that he could tell the truth well. In a couple of intense sessions, Tsongas taught our client strategies that made him more confident on the stand and improved his ability to tell his story under cross and direct conditions. With Tsongas’s help, our client received a verdict that awarded both compensatory and punitive damages and that looks to be a record recovery for a Montana employee.

Tom Singer

Axilon Law Group, PLLC, Billings, Montana

We have worked with Tsongas Jury Consultants for years. Recently we had the chance to work with Tsongas Trial Consultants in a plaintiff product liability case. It was a tough case, and we had only a modest budget for jury consulting, but we wanted to make sure we were on the right track and get their advice on how to execute the trial theme strategy, jury selection, and trial graphics. Tsongas got up to speed quickly and we worked collaboratively with them to develop, simplify, and refine trial themes. Their astute understanding of jury behavior allowed us to target the case themes to our jury; they assisted us in developing a comprehensive and practical jury selection strategy, and they worked with us to develop and produce a number of demonstrative exhibits to express our case themes and organize and frame our evidence visually for the jury. The jury verdict was a great success for our clients and we appreciate Tsongas’ professionalism, experience, and responsiveness to our particular needs. We look forward to using them again.

Matthew J. Sekits

Bullivant Houser Bailey, PC

I have relied on the sound wisdom and practical advice of the Tsongas team for years. Their commitment to delivering excellent service is one of their strongest traits. I recently worked with members of the team on the development of case themes, jury selection, opening statements, and closing arguments in three cases and the results have been excellent. I would not hesitate to recommend the Tsongas team to those looking for reliable, dedicated, and valuable strategic litigation partner.

Craig A. Thompson, Esq.

Venable LLP, Baltimore, MD

My colleagues and I have worked with Tsongas on theme development, jury selection, witness preparation, openings and closings in multiple product liability (prescription drug) cases. Their insight has been invaluable in helping us shape an effective story and selecting the best juries possible. They provide concrete suggestions and feedback in an efficient manner. For all these reasons, they quickly became an integral part of our team. We are better advocates because of their guidance. I recommend them to anyone needing this type of jury consulting, and I look forward to working with them for many years to come.

Sherry Knutson

Tucker Ellis LLP, Chicago, IL

I and others at my firm have worked with Tsongas trial consultants for years. We recently engaged Tsongas in a highly challenging and complex commercial case that was ultimately tried over 5 weeks in federal court. The Tsongas consultants provided valuable input in assessing the case strengths and weaknesses, crafting an appropriate story strategy, and developing a compelling opening statement. In addition, they also assisted us in jury selection, bringing a sound and scientific methodology to the process of evaluating potential jurors, and worked with us in preparing one of our key trial witnesses. We recommend them highly and look forward to working with them again.

Cori Gordon Moore

Perkins Coie LLP, Seattle, WA

Guest lectures by Tsongas Litigation Consulting have provided enormous benefit to my Pre-Trial and Trial Advocacy students at the University of Washington School of Law. While analysis of legal issues is critical in practice, so is the development of litigation and communication strategies. Tsongas Consulting specializes in these, developing fine-tuned case stories, with a keen eye focused on language, rhetoric and visual imagery, as well as jury impact. The dynamic, interactive Tsongas teaching style fits right in with the 21st Century digital era, building skills essential to success in working with clients, judges, juries and other counsel.

William S. Bailey

University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WA

We recently worked with Tsongas trial consultants on a complex civil case, involving multiple claims, counterclaims, allegations of fraud, Lanham Act violations, trade libel, conspiracy, as well as trademark infringement. They immediately rolled up their sleeves and dug into the important documents and relevant deposition testimony. They quickly grasped the case and helped us conduct a thorough and well-designed mock trial where we were able to test our case themes and strategies. In addition, they assisted us with preparing witnesses before and during trial, jury selection, and opening and closing. They were with us in court the entire trial, offering fast feedback and daily suggestions and insights. They became a part of our trial team and were there with us late into the night, always with valuable suggestions and insight, and with a positive “can do” attitude the entire time. I valued their input a great deal; it was helpful and consistently on point.

Moreover, I enjoyed their company. I was so impressed that I had Tsongas co-present with me at a Dallas Bar Association conference on the art and science of jury selection. The program was well-attended and very well-received.

Tsongas will make a difference in your case. By the time you are walking into court on the first day of trial, you are better prepared as a result of Tsongas’s involvement in your pre-trial. I definitely will use them again and heartily endorse trial consulting services to clients and fellow practitioners of the art of trying cases.

John W. Bickel

Bickel & Brewer, Dallas, TX

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